Sustainable fiber from pasture-raised sheep with personality.

About Us

Run by Chris Sims with help from husband, Reed Sims, and English Shepherd, Welley, Ash Grove Farm is committed to small-scale agriculture that builds community and leaves a light footprint upon the earth.  

Our pasture-raised sheep graze on five different properties, helping maintain our neighbors’ fields while getting daily access to fresh forage.

We offer yarn, roving, raw wool, sheep pelts, and crafts. Find our current offerings to create your next fiber project in our shop.


Summer grazing

About Our Sheep

Ash Grove Farm started with a ready-made flock of Navajo-Churro sheep, purchased from a farmer who was retiring. As a fiber artist, I wanted to bring in softer wool and added a Shetland ram. Later, a pair of homeless Border-Leicasters joined the flock, leaving us with a crazy mix of breeds.

Each sheep produces a unique fleece ranging in color from black to white to grays and browns. Some fleeces are great for weaving and felting. Others spin up into beautiful yarn.

Each purchase of wool, whether raw, washed, or washed and carded, comes with a brief bio of the sheep who grew it.